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Cellulite Treatments: Pros and Cons

Posted By Vien

You're not alone if cellulite bothers you. Our drive to eliminate or at least reduce cellulite has resulted in a plethora of treatment choices. It's difficult to determine what, if anything, works with so many treatments available.

Dermatologists have been performing research investigations to find out. You'll be relieved to learn that some treatments can make cellulite less obvious at least temporarily.

Acoustic Wave Cellulite Treatment

Acoustic Wave Cellulite Treatment is a non-invasive treatment for cellulite that can be used for a long time. Achilles tendinitis, kidney stones, other soft tissue ailments, and skin tightening are among the conditions for which it is prescribed.

Acoustic wave therapy involves the use of ultrasonic waves to break down fibrous tissue and relax the septae (a wall, dividing a cavity or structure into smaller ones), resulting in a smoother outline.


Some Benefits of the Procedure Include:

  • It is painless
  • Only after four to five sessions, your cellulite is reduced to a great extent.
  • Theres no period of inactivity because of the treatment
  • It does wonders to tighten your slack skin
  • It reduces stretch marks and scars
  • It also reduces fat to support anti-fat injections and diet

Source: Skulpt Clinic | Acoustic Wave Therapy for Cellulite and Body Contouring

The procedure begins with you lying down, after which a handpiece is placed on the target location. Some individuals use a special oil to guarantee that energy transmission is as smooth as possible. Planar waves are utilized to promote fat cell membrane permeability. They're also known as the "C-actor," and the "D-actor," which are radial waves, are then utilized to force fat out of the cells. As a result, your bumps are reduced, and your skin tightens up again.

The process can take anywhere from 20 to 30 minutes if two distinct locations are being treated, such as your thighs. However, if four different regions are being treated, the procedure can take up to an hour. The most important benefit of acoustic wave therapy is that it does not cause pain; but, if you're slender, it may generate an unpleasant sensation over your bones.


Enlarged fat cells bulge upwards towards the skin surface, giving the skin the typical orange peel appearance. The inelastic vertical connective tissue fibres do not stretch along with the surrounding adipose tissue, which leads to the undesirable dimpling. local blood circulation is significantly reduced.

Oscillating acoustic waves are introduced into the body. The connective tissue relaxes, and the firmness of the epidermis increases. Blood circulation in the tissue is significantly enhanced. Collagen production is stimulated, strengthening the dermis and epidermis.

The results of AWT are improved firmness and restored natural elasticity of the skin and connective tissue along with a visible and long-lasting improvements in skin texture.


Cryolipolysis, commonly referred to as "CoolSculpting" by patients, uses cold temperature to break down fat cells. Unlike other types of cells, fat cells are particularly vulnerable to the impacts of cold. The skin and other structures are unaffected while the fat cells freeze. Cryolipolysis may be of interest to patients who want to remove a localized fat bulge that has persisted despite diet and exercise.

The Procedure

An applicator of the proper size and curvature is chosen after an assessment of the dimensions and shape of the fatty bulge to be treated. The region of concern is highlighted to indicate where the applicator should be placed. To protect the skin, a gel pad is used. The applicator is used, and the bulge is suctioned into the applicator's hollow. The temperature inside the applicator lowers, and the area becomes numb as a result. Patients may suffer some discomfort as a result of the vacuum's pull on their tissue, but this goes away quickly after the area is numb. The suction is turned off, the applicator is removed, and the region is massaged after the hour-long treatment, which may improve the final results.

Pros and Cons of Cryolipolysis


  • Non-invasive - Many people have characterized their experiences as painless, with the applicators' suction being bearable.
  • Short treatment time - For a single localized location, each treatment can take up to 60 minutes. It may take longer for effects to appear if you have more than one location to properly target. Larger body portions, such as your back, will take longer to notice improvements.
  • Short recovery period - Fat freezing treatments, unlike liposuction, can be performed as an outpatient procedure. After your treatment, you will be able to return to work the same day or the next day. This is largely due to the low or non-existence of downtime.


  • Side effects - Following their treatment, some clients notice numbness, redness, or swelling in the afflicted areas, as well as increased skin sensitivity. However, with adequate fat freezing aftercare, such side effects can be reduced to a bare minimum, if at all.
  • Require more than one session - This is dependent on the body area you want to concentrate on. If you have larger body areas, your specialist may ask you to come every few weeks until you see significant changes. If you're targeting more than one body part, you should expect to return for additional sessions to acquire the results you want.


Cellfina (a.k.a. Tissue Stabilized-Guided Subscision or TS-GS) is an FDA-cleared, minimally invasive cellulite treatment that detaches the fibrous bands that adhere to the undersides of the skin and cause dimples using specific cutting needles. The in-office cellulite treatment does not involve surgery or general anesthesia, and the effects endure for three years or longer.

Source: Cellfina Webpage

The Procedure

The ASDS (American Society for Dermatologic Surgery) physician will mark the cellulite dimples that may benefit from TS-GS prior to the operation. Then, to keep the patient comfortable before and after the treatment, a dilute numbing fluid called tumescent solution is injected into the skin and underlying fatty tissue. The TS-GS device is then used to treat the cellulite dimple. The cellulite dimple is dragged into the device using suction to stabilize the skin tissue. The cellulite dimple is then released at a precise depth using a specialist handpiece. The TS-GS procedure is repeated until all of the dimples that were chosen for therapy have been freed.

Cellfina - Cellulite Reduction

Cellulite - 
Connective tissue bands pulling down on skin cause cellulite dimpling

Dimpled areas are numbed with local anesthetic

Cellulite dimples are treated...

...with a microblade that releases the connective tissue bands

Pros and Cons of Cryolipolysis


  • Non-surgical
  • Fast - The procedure is quick, taking only an hour to fix 25 dimples.
  • Longest FDA-cleared treatment for cellulite


  • Side effects - Common side effects include: 
    • Swelling
    • Bruising
    • Bleeding
    • Hardness
    • Numbness
    • Soreness
    • Redness
  • Cost - The price of Cellfina varies depending on the region and the type of provider/practice but it may range from $3,000$6,000 or higher per treatment.


Cellulaze is a laser that generates heat and breaks down collagen bands beneath the skin, causing the dimples that we call cellulite. A laser is used in this method, which is directed beneath the skin. Its heat breaks apart the tissue bands that bind the skin together and cause cellulite dimples, as well as induces collagen synthesis in the dermis of the skin, tightening it.

Cellulaze is best for patients with mild to moderate cellulite, as well as those who have some skin laxity or stretch.

The Procedure

The areas to be treated will be marked when the patient arrives for the Cellulaze cellulite reduction appointment. To help them not feel the cannula, antiseptic will be applied. The cannula will be used to inject numbing medication once the area is numb, so they won't feel the laser under your skin. A guiding light is attached to the end of the laser, which is long and narrow. It will be put under the skin and into the cannula aperture. The laser will be moved back and forth by the specialist to heat, disrupt, and melt the fat.

The fibrous bands that are pulling down on the skin and causing the dimpled appearance are subsequently released by the laser. The skin will appear significantly smoother as a result of this. In addition to increasing the depth and flexibility of the skin, the laser heat energy stimulates collagen formation. The length of the therapy will vary depending on how many places are being treated, but most sessions run around an hour. With just one Cellulaze treatment, patients can expect to see a 60% to 70% reduction in cellulite.

How Cellulaze Works: The Sidelight Technique

Target Bulging Pockets of Fats

SideLaze fiber is re-oriented to target pockets of herniated fat
Thermal Subcision of Fibrous Septae

Using the Sidelaze laser fiber, fibrotic septae are thermally subcised
Tissue Tightening

Energy is delivered to the hypodermal junction to thicken skin and increase skin elasticity

Pros and Cons of Cellulaze


  • Clinically proven results - Increases in skin thickness and elasticity were documented in clinical investigations, and the appearance of skin became smoother and younger as a result of Cellulaze's stimulation of collagen formation.
  • Only one treatment required - While other cellulite reduction treatments require numerous sessions or applications, Cellulaze only requires one treatment to obtain the desired results.
  • Long-lasting results - Clinical trial participants saw effects that lasted two years or more.


  • While the effects can last a year or longer, they aren't permanent; maintenance treatments are required.
  • The final results will take at least three months (up to six months) to arrive. That's the amount of time it takes for new collagen to form and smooth the skin.
  • Cost - The cost of surgery is clearly determined by where you livelarge cities are more expensiveas well as the surgeon or doctor you select. Treatments with Cellulaze typically cost between $5,000 and $6,000.

In general, a certified, skilled aesthetician operating under physician supervision can safely accomplish non-invasive cellulite reduction. Treatments that necessitate the use of a laser, an incision, or both require significant medical expertise and anatomical knowledge, and should only be performed by a licensed cosmetic surgeon or provider with similar training and experience.

It's always advisable to visit a doctor who knows and treats the issue before undergoing any cosmetic (non-medically essential) treatment. The treatment's success is determined by the expertise and experience of the individual performing it.

Body Treatments to Help You Get Rid of Cellulite
  • Elemis
    Cellutox Active Body Oil

    C$ 75.20
    YOU SAVE C$ 18.80

  • Phyto Sintesi
    Caffeine Cellulite Gel

    C$ 64.80

  • Agent Nateur
    Holi (body) Ageless Body Serum Unisex

    C$ 58.00

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